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Use our free service to find the best recruiter and we'll donate $1,000 to Plan International's Haiti appeal

Free service to Australian business that interviews the interviewer donates big chunk of profit

The devastating earthquake in Haiti has directly affected 3.5 million people and killed an estimated 200,000 men, women and children. Recruitercritic has partnered with Plan Australia and will donate $1,000 to Plan Australia's Haiti appeal when you use its unbiased, free service.

Human resource departments and managers have long suffered frustrating experiences when using recruiters and head hunters to fill their business’s employment vacancies. It seems almost everyone has had an experience with a recruiter that has left a lasting negative impression according to John Millican, Managing Director of

Finding the right recruiter to fill a job vacancy amongst 33,000 consultants employed by more than 2,500 agencies is not easy and requires time, effort, planning, a large network and often a trial and error approach, unless you use RecruiterCritic.

RecruiterCritic will donate $1,000 every time you use its free service to find, assess and compare the best recruiter or search professional to fill your vacancy. That represents about 50% of the profit from the referral fee we receive from a Recruiter or Search professional when they successfully fill your business's vacancy.

Plan International Australia will ensure that this donation will help provide emergency food, water, medicine and housing for those most in need. Its easy to help others by helping your business use better judgement when engaging Recruiters. Use RecruiterCritic's free service to find, assess and recommend the best Recruiter to fill your role.

Millican, suffered the negative impacts of dealing with inexperienced, unprofessional and non-performing recruiters and head hunters in previous roles in Human Resources and General Management. “A bad Recruiter can have a disastrous effect on a business’s costs of recruitment as well as your own sanity”, according to Millican. With the help of some industry experts built an assessment process to sort the wheat from the chaff.

RecruiterCritic’s business model is that it only receives revenue when a recruiter delivers for its clients as it takes a percentage of the recruitment fee that a client would normally pay. “Our mission is to take away the frustration of dealing with the wrong recruiter and decrease the costs associated with recruitment for our clients. We only get paid if our clients get a positive outcome.” offered Mr Millican.

RecruiterCritic is a free unbiased service that finds, assesses and recommends the best recruiter or search professional to fill a job vacancy. Using RecruiterCritic reduces the risks and costs associated with engaging a Recruitment or Search consultant and rebates a generous portion of its profits back to business or a chosen charity.


If you would like more information about this topic, or if you would like to schedule an interview with John Millican, please contact John on 0417 412 937 or email